The Perfect Body

Oh, no! Summer is in trouble. Ok, this is about The Young and the Restless. This is one of my favorite  programs on tv. Anyway, Summer has started to model and now she has taken someone’s pills. She wants to have the perfect body. I believe she is a size 2/4 maybe. I wouldn’t think she would want to be smaller but she has other issues, of course. One being her mom(Phyllis) is in a coma and in another state. And other things happened so she is stressed, yea. But she is 18 years old. But I didn’t expect her to go to pills.

I know that is a tv show but I am still surprised at this story line.Just wasn’t expecting it. Anyway nobody can have a perfect body. You have either freckles, spots/shading somewhere, moles, redness, cellulite, fat fingers, wide feet. It’s always something. We all should know that. And I like that quote, “It’s always something”. But that doesn’t mean everything is doomed. Sometimes we should just love our flaws. And I must say that I luv my curves. I am a curvygurl.  Summer may have curves too but I guess her people wants her to be a bean pole. Until next time, Stay curvy people!